Roy Andres Hofer

Basel, Switzerland 1974

Roy Andres Hofer 1974 Basel, works and lives in Rheinfelden AG
1994 Swiss certificate Master of Lithography
1997 School for arts Basel
2000 High School for arts Zürich
1999 Residency in Santa Barbara, USA / 2000 Field study in Tokyo, Japan
2012 Organizer CAMPBASEL during Art Basel
2013 Organizer ONEsize Artshow during Art Basel
2012 Founder ARTspaceSWITZERLAND offspace for contemporary art
2014 Co-Founder Circle for artists International artists network
2015 Founder a-space (artist-run-gallery)
2016 Co-Curator „into the deep woods“ exhibition series with PAPER gallery Manchester
2017 Organizer CAMPBASELrevisited during Art Basel
2017 Co-Founder „miniature of nature_series
2018 Member of the Kunstraum Waldhaus Zürich
2019 Co-Founder „miniature of nature_series
2020 Currently lives in Tokyo (project-based working)

Group exhibition (selection)
2000 Gallery Artone, Zürich, Switzerland
2001 Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf, Switzerland
2003 Kunsthaus BL, Muttenz, Switzerland
2006 Gallery Arsprototo, Erlangen, Germany
2007 Kunstverein Halle, Halle (Saale), Germany
2008 Gallery Artspace NY, New York, USA
2009 Center for digital arts, Los Angeles, USA
Museum of fine Arts Tallahassee, Florida, USA
Jungkunst, Winterthur, Switzerland
2010 Gallery Rowan, Philadelphia, USA
Gallery TAMM, Tallinn, Estonia
2011 Galerie the invisible dog, New York, USA
2012 Gallery Labirinto Contemporeano, Vilamoura, Portugal
CAMPBASEL, Basel, Switzerland
KUNSTLOKAL, Rheinfelden, Switzerland
2013 Gallery KOWA, Tokyo, Japan
Drop D project, Sintra, Portugal
Offene Ateliers, Rheinfelden, Switzerland
Factory-Art, London, United Kingdom
OneSize art show, Basel, Switzerland
Kuckucks Labrador, Basel, Switzerland
Gallery Art Cube Trading, M’stein, Switzerland
2014 Minamoto ART+DINEVol.1.2.3, Basel, Switzerland
ARTspace at Tapas del Mar, Zürich, Switzerland
Photobastei, Zürich, Switzerland
Gallery Kategory, Genève, Switzerland
Gallery GUM, Moscow, Russia
Studio Grigio, Davos, Switzerland
2015 Art Passage, Basel, Switzerland
Tasu artspace, Tokyo, Japan
Kunstsalon, Zürich, Switzerland
ARTmeetsCHARITY, Basel, Switzerland
DEVE Gallery Moscow, Russia
Kunst im Q37, Rheinfelden, Switzerland
2016 Teiggi „Networked“, Kriens, Switzerland
Exhibition series with PAPER gallery Manchester, Luzern (CH), Basel (CH), Manchester (UK)
Open studios (Castelo d‘if), Lissabon, Portugal
KUNSTLOKAL, Rheinfelden, Switzerland
Lokal&International, Rheinfelden, Switzerland
2017 Mr. Cuttle, Shanghai, China
CAMPBASELrevisited, Basel, Switzerland
Espacio Alexandra, Santander, Spain
Ainori Gallery, Lisboa, Portugal
2018 Art Showroom, Rheinfelden, Switzerland
Kunstraum Waldhaus, Zürich, Switzerland
Up and Coming, Zürich, Switzerland
Kunstraum Waldhaus, Zürich, Switzerland
Chemical Moon baby, Zürich, Switzerland
GuckMalGünther, Tommasini Lenzburg, Switzerland
Kunsthallekleinbasel, Basel, Switzerland
2019 Kunst im Q37, Rheinfelden, Switzerland
Kunstraum Waldhaus, Zürich, Switzerland
ARTnSHELTER, Tokyo, Japan
Manger+Boire, Basel, Switzerland
ValoLux Oxil, Zofingen, Switzerland
ARTshowroom Rheinfelden, Switzerland
Kunstkiosk, Baar, Switzerland
ARTnSHELTER, Tokyo, Japan
2020 Kunsthallekleinbasel, Basel, Switzerland
Art fair Participation
2013 ART EDITION, Seoul, South Korea
2014 CUTLOG, New York, USA
Art COPENHAGEN, Copenhagen, Denmark
2015 Kölner Liste, Cologne, Germany / Art COPENHAGEN, Copenhagen, Denmark / Art Market Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
SWAB Barcelona, Spain / SLICK art fair Paris (Annelies Strba and Roy Andres Hofer)
2016 SetUp Bologna, Italy / Room Art Fair Madrid, Spain / Kölner Liste, Cologne, Germany / LISTE the young art fair, Basel
SWAB Barcelona, Spain / Art Market Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
2017 YIA Basel, Switzerland / SetUp Bologna, Italy / Art Market Budapest, Budapest, Hungary / YIA Paris, France / The others Torino, Italy
2018 Hybrid Madrid, Spain / Supermarket Art Fair Stockholm / Harbour Art Fair, Hong Kong, China / Art Market Budapest, Hungary
2019 Hybrid Madrid, Spain / Supermarket Art Fair Stockholm / Art Market Budapest, Hungary
1994 Schweppes Art Edition
1999 Auction Sothebys New York
2011 Celeste Network Selection
2012 Selection to the collections of Hendrik Folkerts und Nicolas Trembley
2013 public winner
1994 June Art Basel Katalog / 2012 June Basler Zeitung / Blick am Abend / Radio Energy / July Basellandschaftliche Zeitung / Baslerstab / November Basellandschaftliche
Zeitung / Neue Fricktaler Zeitung / Artonline / Kunstbulletin / 2013 March Kunstbulletin / 2013 November Basler Zeitung / December Basler Zeitung / Wochenblatt M’stein
/ Art Edition catalogue / 2014 April ARTINFO / ARTprice / CUTLOG NYC catalogue / July Neue Fricktaler Zeitung / September Fricktal Info / 2015 September KUNSTEN.
NU / December Tokyo Art Beat / October SWAB Barcelona catalogue and TV / October AMB Budapest catalogue / November Slick Paris catalogue / November Up and Coming
artists network Switzerland / 2016 January SetUp art fair catalogue / July Flux Magazine / July Artsy / October AMB Budapest catalogue / 2017 October AMB Budapest catalogue
/ 2018 October AMB Budapest catalogue / October 2019 NFZ / December Tokyo Art Beat / February 2020 NFZ

open details The beach edition of 5

The beach edition of 5

year: 2019

size cm: h15 w20

price: €: 180,00

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open details Le Tokio love hotel ( Hofer /Takahashi)

Le Tokio love hotel ( Hofer /Takahashi)

year: 2014

size cm: h103 w148

price: €: 2.500,00

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open details Too big to fail

Too big to fail

year: 1970

size cm: h42 w35 d4

price: €: 550,00

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