Riccardo Garolla

Tradate (Varese) 1986

Riccardo Garolla 1986 Tradate (Varese, Italy)
He conducts artistic studies and attends the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna and Brera.
Selected to work in the OffBrera gallery by professor and art critic Andrea Del Guercio, Riccardo Garolla takes part in several collective exhibitions - in Milan he exhibits at the AccademiaContemporanea Gallery, at Palazzo Isimbardi, at the Bertolt Brecht Cultural Association; in Biella participates in the exhibition on the occasion of UNIDEE at the Pistoletto Foundation - and obtains a sale in the Bovisa district
In 2015 he participated in the Viviani prize (Milan), on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of LAP in Nova Milanese, receiving an honorable mention; adheres to the Affordable Art Fair (Milan) and to A.R.T. VE (Church of S. Andrea della Zirada, Venice), as well as at the expositions of Sistema Bank and Hotlab Space (both in Milan). Also in 2015 is his solo show, MONITO (Five Gallery).
During 2016, in addition to the collective exhibitions in Koln Artfair and ArtKarlsruhe (Germany) with Five Gallery, he writes the project Beyond the first Disorder (Beyond the First Disarrey), on which he focuses his artistic research during participation in the Atelier A Residence (Apricale ).
in September 2017 he exhibited with Five Gallery on the occasion of the international art fair WOPart Lugano and the Gallery Night event in Lugano - personal Cards and letters between emotions and feelings, prototype of the cycle of works Di "Of you, I forget".
Finally, in 2018 he took part in the Fo.Ga.Ra. At the CASA TURESE gallery in Benevento, ArtKarlsruhe fair (Karlsruhe, Germany) Setup Artfair (Bologna) and the Picasso Contemporaneo exhibition (Fivegallery, Lugano) and exhibits "Of you, I forget" personal exhibition curated by Roberto Casiraghi.

2016 Atelier A, Apricale, Italy
Solo exhibitions
2017 Carte e Lettere tra Emozioni e Sentimenti (Gallery Night), Five Gallery, Lugano CH
Di te, mi dimentico Atelier Cartesio, a cura di Roberto Casiraghi
2015 MONITO. Fivegallery, Lugano, CH
2014 Electric Skies, Offbrera gallery, Milan
2013 The happiest, Cenacolo di Bagutta, Milan
2012 Half Men Half Dogs, AccademiaContemporanea gallery , Milan
Selected group exhibitions
Arte e Fashion, Overart, Spazio Biffi, Milano
Contemporanea. Works for a collection, FiveGallery, CH
ArtKarlsruhe, FiveGallery, Karlsruhe, DE
Setup Artfair, FiveGallery, Bologna, Italy
Picasso contemporaneo, Fivegallery, Lugano, CH
Premio Morlotti, Museo della Permanente, Milano
ArtKarlsruhe, FiveGallery, Karlsruhe, DE
Fo.Ga.Ra., Galleria casa Turese, Benevento, Italy
La responsabilità dell'immagine, Fondazione de Micheli, Trezzo sull'Adda, Italy
Step up, fabbrica del vapore, Milan
WOPart, FiveGallery, Lugano, CH
Koln Artfair, FiveGallery, Koln, Germany DE
ArtKarlsruhe, FiveGallery, Karlsruhe, Germany DE
Viviani prize, Milan
Sistema Bank, Milan
Hotlab Space, Milan
A.R.T. VE. Chiesa di S. Andrea della Zirada, Venice
AAF Affordable Art Fair, Milan
Opengallery, Fivegallery, Lugano, DE
Caleidoscopio del contemporaneo, FiveGallery, Lugano, DE
ArtVerona fair, Fivegallery, Verona
Premio Ricoh, Spazio Oberdan, Milan
ARTAmadeus, ArtHotel Amadeus, Salzburg, AT
EXXX evento parallelo 55 biennale, Kurdish pavillion, Venice
Panorama, Circoloquadro gallery, Milan
Arte in Sarpi, Milano
Interni d’Artista, Salone Internazionale del Mobile, Milan
MACAM Museo di Arte Contemporanea all’Aperto di Maglione, fresco residency, Turin
In Your Place, spazio 104b, Milan
Infrachiostri, in università statale, Milan
UNIDEE, città dell’arte -Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella,Turin
Salon Primo, museo della permanente, Milan
Premio Ghiggini, galleria Ghiggini, Varese

open details Gigantessa


year: 2024

size cm: h21 w29

price: €: 700,00

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open details Coppia non tradizionale in splendida cucina

Coppia non tradizionale in splendida cucina

year: 2024

size cm: h29 w21

price: €: 700,00

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open details Ah come mi manca Berlinguer

Ah come mi manca Berlinguer

year: 2024

size cm: h29 w21

price: €: 700,00

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open details L'incubo fa colazione dopo una dura nottata di lavoro

L'incubo fa colazione dopo una dura nottata di lavoro

year: 2024

size cm: h29 w21

price: €: 700,00

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open details Autoritratto d'infanzia

Autoritratto d'infanzia

year: 2024

size cm: h29 w21

price: €: 700,00

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open details Bambinona


year: 2024

size cm: h29 w21

price: €: 700,00

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open details Notte


year: 2021

size cm: h34 w35

price: €: 520,00

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open details Sotto pelle

Sotto pelle

year: 2021

size cm: h35 w23

price: €: 435,00

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open details La mente perduta

La mente perduta

year: 2024

size cm: h30 w25

price: €: 800,00

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open details La sorte e la sua spiccata ironia

La sorte e la sua spiccata ironia

year: 2024

size cm: h40 w30

price: €: 800,00

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open details Dove vuoi andare

Dove vuoi andare

year: 2021

size cm: h27 w21

price: €: 360,00

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